Donald W. Cash - CPA, CFP®

Welcome to our Web site, where you’ll find a wealth of information in the form of newsletter articles, calculators, and research reports.
Don't forget to listen to the Podcast "Your Money and Your Life"- click the PODCAST button on the top right. You can subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify or Amazon
There are what seems like a millon things to deal with in retirement including-
* Health Issues
* Family Challenges
* Social Security
* Medicare / Long Term Care
* Investments
* IRA Rules
* Legal issues - Wills, Power of Attorney, Living Wills
We hope the information on this site will help start on your journey toward clarity, control and peace of mind.
Most importantly, we hope you see the value of working with skilled professionals to pursue your financial goals.
We’re here to help you understand these issues and help you discover and achieve your true purpose for life and live a life of joy with peace of mind.